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Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Industries Promotion Office, MOEA (BPIPO)
In view of the need for a cross-ministry unit to promote the development of Taiwan's biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, the Executive Yuan set up the Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Industries Promotion Office, MOEA, Establishment Guidelines in November 1995. In February 1996, the Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Industries Promotion Office, MOEA was formally established. The goals of the office were to promote and implement the government development policy as well as to act as a communication, coordination, and integration bridge between the various government ministries involved in this field. In November 2001, the Executive Yuan approved its renaming as the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries Program Office, MOEA. In response to the consensus reached by the Economic Development Advisory Conference, the Executive Yuan’s One-Stop-Service Office for Biotechnology Industry was established in December 2001 to develop related consulting services, and to build up a developmental environment for the life sciences. On December, 2011, due to the Executive Yuan’s reengineering and changes in the status of Taiwan's biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, the office was renamed the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries Promotion Office, MOEA (BPIPO).
The BPIPO is headed by the Director General of the Industrial Development Bureau under the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and consists of government agencies from the Board of Science and Technology (Executive Yuan), the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Environmental Protection Administration, the National Development Council, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Council of Agriculture, and the National Development Fund, as well as the Department of Industrial Technology, Intellectual Property Office, and representatives from major research institutions, the business community, academia and industry. The BPIPO is dedicated to its role as a window and information exchange for domestic and foreign industries, and is actively involved in promoting industry investment and integration to help break development bottlenecks. In addition, it is committed to accelerating the development of a vibrant local life science industry and in promoting Taiwan as an R&D, manufacturing and operations center in the Asia Pacific region, with a long-term aim of becoming a global logistics manufacturing center.
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Copyright © 2024 Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries Promotion Office, MOEA, TAIWAN| Address : Rm. A, 17F., No.3, Park St., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan,R.O.C |TEL: (886)2-26558135|FAX: (886)2-26558134
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