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About Us

Who We Are


About US

The Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries Promotion Office (BPIPO) is the single contact window for Taiwan's biomedical industry. It is an one-stop service window designed to assist companies in the biomedical industries worldwide. The assistances provided by BPIPO include: financial support, investment promotion, stock listing, personnel training and recruitment, R&D collaboration, technology transfer, commercialization, marketing, promotion activities, strategic alliances, and others.

Over the past few years, BPIPO has helped Taiwan's biomedical industry to obtain investments of more than US$1,500 million per year. BPIPO has also helped set up more than three innovative companies per year. The One-Stop Service Window has helped more than 100 companies per year.

BPIPO One-Stop Service Window
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Copyright © 2024 Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries Promotion Office, MOEA, TAIWAN| Address : Rm. A, 17F., No.3, Park St., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan,R.O.C |TEL: (886)2-26558135|FAX: (886)2-26558134
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