
Changing the World


Leading Global Pharmaceutical Development Partner 

TRPMA熱烈歡迎推動日本新藥研發生態系的Axcelead醫療平台控股公司4月22日來台,雙方共同舉辦「Changing the World ~ Axcelead ~ Leading Global Pharmaceutical Development Partner」交流會。

日本Axcelead集團,擁有多家世界一流的醫療平台公司,包括:Axcelead DDP、ARCALIS、A-Digital、及PassPort Technologies。其中集團核心,Axcelead DDP,於2017年接手Takeda藥物開發平台,為日本第一家整合型藥物探索CRO;而ARCALIS是日本目前唯一提供一站式mRNA 研發與生產的CDMO。Axcelead 並擁有A-Digital公司,開發自有藥物探索數位平台,可提升藥物開發效率達100倍。位於美國加州聖地牙哥的PassPort Technologies則擁有新一代經皮給藥技術,專長為開發活性藥物成分和醫療器材之組合產品。

為拓展台日雙方生技產業交流及強化投資合作機會, Axcelead集團董事長Mr. Atsushi Matsumura,同時也是日本知名基金管理公司Whiz Partners董事長,將親自來台報告說明「Opportunities to Invest in Axcelead Group through the fund」。同時,Dr. Yoshinori Ikeura, Axcelead President & CEO、Mr. Nobuhiro Todokoro, Axcelead CEO-designate、以及Mr. Satoru Iino, A-Digital President & CEO,將共同分享說明「Services and Opportunities of Axcelead’s IND Enabling Pipelines & Generative AI Drug Discovery」,以讓台灣各界了解Axcelead集團所提供的自藥物探索至臨床研究的一站式先進解決方案。

歡迎台灣生技新藥公司、生技製藥產官學各界先進及對台日生技投資有興趣的各界先進踴躍參加!本活動感謝友華生技醫藥集團促成並贊助場地,並感謝Axcelead Group提供活動精緻茶點。本活動全程免費。敬請踴躍報名。

主辦單位:Axcelead Group、台灣研發型生技新藥發展協會 (TRPMA)

時間:113年4 月22 日 (星期一) 14:00-15:30

地點:TRPMA會所演講廳 (台北市南港區忠孝東路六段465-1號1樓)








Opening Remarks

Calvin Tsai, TRPMA

Atsushi Matsumura, President and CEO, Whiz Partners, Inc


Opportunities to Invest in Axcelead Group through the fund

Atsushi Matsumura

President and CEO, Whiz Partners, Inc


Services and Opportunities of Axcelead’s IND Enabling Pipelines & Generative AI Drug Discovery

Yoshinori Ikeura

President & CEO, Axcelead, Inc

Nobuhiro Todokoro

CEO-designate, Axcelead, Inc

Satoru Iino

President & CEO, A-Digital, Inc


Q&A and Networking (with refreshments)

報名:免費參加,僅限線上報名 (https://forms.gle/ZQVnTXhMRqFqs9ni6)

聯絡人:葉映君 Vian Yeh   (02)2783-1262   Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它




Axcelead represents a holding company as healthcare platform which owns a group of companies which are developing a world-class healthcare platform for drug discovery. Axcelead DDP, Japan’s first integrated drug discovery CRO, functions as the core company of the Axcelead group that took over Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited's drug discovery platform business in 2017. ARCALIS has become Japan's only one-stop mRNA contract drug development and manufacturing organization (CDMO).

Axcelead also owns A-Digital which develops a drug discovery digital platform to increase drug discovery efficacy by 100 times, and the American company, PassPort Technologies, Inc. in San Diego, California (“PassPort”). PassPort is a company that develops combination products of active pharmaceutical ingredients and medical devices based on next-generation transdermal drug delivery technology. Axcelead will promote the drug discovery ecosystem in Japan and will make various contributions to healthcare broadly and globally.        

【Speaker BIO

Atsushi Matsumura

President & CEO, Whiz Partners, Inc.

Atsushi Matsumura joined Nomura Securities Co.,Ltd. in 1986, then became Co-Head of Corporate Finance at Nomura International Plc. in 2003. In 2010, he founded Whiz Partners Inc., and he has been the President & CEO of Whiz Partners Inc. He is also Chairperson of the Board of Axcelead, Inc. Whiz partners fund is sole shareholder of Axcelead ,Inc. He also serves as Chairman of NANO MRNA Co, Ltd. (4571.JP) and a member of the board of AXEL MARK Inc. (3624.JP)

Yoshinori Ikeura

President & CEO, Axcelead, Inc.

After studying biochemistry and organic chemistry at Kyoto University, he joined Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, Limited. He was engaged in drug discovery research for about 30 years. He also experienced a postdoctoral fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In addition to serving as Head of Inflammation Drug Discovery Unit since 2011 and Site Head of the Shonan Research Center since 2014, he has served as Chairman of Research and Development Committee of Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Director of Bioindustry Association, Med. Chem. Comm. editorial board member of the Royal Society of Chemistry. In 2017, he launched Axcelead Drug Discovery Partners, and since then, he has been working toward establishment of innovation platform for drug discovery as CEO and CSO. He is currently CEO of Axcelead, Inc. and Chairperson of Axcelead Drug Discovery Partners, Inc.

Nobuhiro Todokoro

CEO-designate, Axcelead, Inc

Nobuhiro Todokoro joined Nitto Denko Corporation in 1989. He had been worked for the display industry like as LCD and OLED for over than 30 years. He stayed in Taiwan for 7 years and contributed to Taiwan display manufactures by technical transfer and establishing factory of materials for displays.   He expanded the business globally and was appointed Executive Officer, General Manager of Information Functional Materials Division which is the biggest business division in Nitto Denko in 2015. He promoted to Director in 2017 and joined the global management of the company. In 2022, he was appointed Representative Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer. He has been Managing Director of Whiz Partners Inc. since 2023, and is scheduled to become CEO of Axcelead, Inc. in June 2024.

Satoru Iino

President & CEO, A-Digital, Inc.

Satoru Iino spent 11 years at Hitachi, Ltd. where he was involved in global technology sourcing and alliances in the computer, telecom and semiconductor fields. He then spent 10 years at CSK Venture Capital, where he led domestic and international investments in biotechnology and life sciences. In 2010, he participated in Whiz Partners when it was founded. He is now COO&CFO of Whiz Partners, Inc. , a member of the board of Axcelead, Inc., Chairperson of Arcalis, Inc., as well as President & CEO of A-Digital, Inc. He also serves as a member of the board of several portfolio companies, including NANO MRNA Co, Ltd. (4571.JP) , AXEL MARK Inc. (3624.JP) and CRI Middleware Co, Ltd.(3698.JP).

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