

亞洲生技大會即將於7月27-31日舉行,在數位醫療及ICT x BIO 場次 特別邀請
廣達林百里董事長Astrazeneca 全球真實世界數據資深總監Rahul Shenolikar、
AWS 基因與生命科學商務發展主管 余昶、imec生命科學主管Po Van Dorpe、Roche Diagnostics Sylvia Wong、

以及數位健康協會陳良基理事長、KPMG 蘇嘉瑞醫師、台睿林群董事長、中研院楊泮池院士與會分享。


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Pre-registration ends on July 20 

♦AI & Digital Health

Emerging opportunities when ICT meets BIO 

The dramatic growth in computing power and machine learning over the past few years has reshaped many aspects of healthcare and biotech, with more and more digital applications available for tasks ranging from diagnosis to drug discovery. 

Register now to learn more about how how to make the most of digital technology in health and biotech, with special lectures from Chairman & CEO Barry Lam of Quanta Group and Fellow of the Life Science Technologies Department Pol Van Dorpe of imec, followed by a special forum featuring Barry Lam, Johnsee Lee, Chairman of the Precision Medicine Industry Association of Taiwan, Liang-Gee Chen, Chairperson of the Taiwan Digital Health Industry Development Association, Pan-Chyr Yang, Academician of the Academia Sinica, and Andrew Lin, Chairman of TaiRx, Inc; as well as additional lectures from Solution Consulting Manager Aparajeeta Priyadarasini of Medidata, Head of Healthcare and Life Science Chia-Jui Su of KPMG in Taiwan, Professor Ting-Fen Tsai of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, and Customer Success Manager Sylvia Wong of Roche Diagnostics. 

Don't miss out on this opportunity to hear from thought leaders and learn from their experiences in applying digital technology!


Who should attend: 

Top management in charge of implementing digital technology solutions.

Officers responsible for exploring ways to improve products or services with digital technology.

Practitioners of machine learning, AI, ICT, and other digital technologies in healthcare and biotech

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